MDTAP 2022 Annual Update
To enhance the lives of all Marylanders with disabilities, older Marylanders, and their families by helping support access to assistive technology (AT) devices and services.
Please join us in celebrating our successes, accomplishments, programs and services during 2022! With an incredibly dedicated staff, we took on new initiatives, expanded our services & sites, and worked to make sure that AT is readily accessible across the state for ALL Marylanders with disabilities. From in-depth virtual trainings, extensive community outreach, more AT shipped across the state for equipment loans, increased AT donations, and a multitude of public AT events, we were busy from start to finish!
Stay tuned to our website,, or follow us on social media (Facebook, Twitter, Where It’s AT blog, YouTube) as we plan for another year of great accomplishments!
- Lori Berrong, Executive Director
MDTAP conducts short term loans and comprehensive demonstrations of AT devices to help constituents make informed decisions about long term device procurement, and to serve as short-term or interim technology.
Device loans conducted: 162
Number of devices loaned: 324
“Thank you, James for your support of the individuals we serve. Although it took some time to assess if Nick M would be successful with using the CPen, it was a great learning experience for all of us. Nick since then has purchased a CPen and uses it daily with ear buds. His comprehension has improved greatly. Thank you for the work you do!”
-Teresa O'Brien
Support Team Manager
In 2022, we created two Accessible Gaming Kits available for two-week loans across the state. Each Accessible Gaming Kit includes:
- Nintendo switch w/peripherals
- XBOX 1 w/peripherals
- PS4 w/peripherals
- 3 TVs
- Adapted controllers and switches for all consoles
Our aim is building inclusion through gaming!
Client Highlight: Dustin
Dustin C. (who has Muscular Dystrophy) came to MDTAP wanting to explore adaptive gaming solutions. Our AT Clinician was able to demonstrate the use of our adapted gaming equipment, and was even able to capture a short video of Dustin gaming and using the equipment in our Library. After the demonstration, Dustin borrowed the Xbox adaptive controller and switch pack. With this loan of gaming equipment, Dustin was able to independently game for the first time in two years!
Client Highlight: Waverly
"Waverly suffered a brain injury (HIE) at birth which has resulted in many medical challenges and disabilities for her. She is now 18 months old and struggles greatly were her movement ability due to her cerebral palsy. This has been a huge frustration for her—she cannot play with many typical toys as she does not have the strength or dexterity to work them. Having the
ability to borrow switch toys has been so beneficial for her. She can now easily activate and play with her toys which brings her a lot of joy. It’s so nice to see her smile after she is able to push the button and watch her toy activate. We really appreciate being able to borrow these items, as raising a child like this takes an incredible toll on every aspect of your life—physical, emotional, mental, and financial—easing this burden in any way is greatly appreciated by our family, which is what these toys have provided, so thank you!"
-Waverly’s Mom
“Denise Schuler has been a life saver. She has gone out of her way to demonstrate the equipment available to help me see and get back to work. Her knowledge about disability help, equipment and resources has been invaluable. She has even gone so far to pick up and deliver equipment to me as I am unable to drive. So grateful for her help.”
- MDTAP Device Demo Recipient
Total number of devices demonstrated: 163
Total number of participants: 217
Client Highlight: Jack
The OBI self-feeding robot was loaned from the Maryland Assistive Technology Program. The loan included the OBI self-feeding robot, button switches, sensor switches and light touch switches. [Jack] used the OBI for a one-hour session and the experience allowed him to self-feed without the assistance of another individual for the first time since his injury. He and his family loved the OBI and enjoyed the demonstration.
Using the OBI in a real session allowed Jack and his family to assess if it was a good match. He was able to try different setups and foods and assess which setup maximized eating participation. After the real-use demonstration, Jack and his family expressed interest in making a purchase for the device
“This is the first time I have been able to eat while he is eating,” noted by Jack's dad.
The Maryland Assistive Technology Program allowed Jack, his family, and providers the opportunity to use the OBI self-feeding robot to evaluate if this technology would work for him!
Gently used Assistive Technology is collected via donation, sanitized, refurbished and made available for free to those who can’t otherwise afford it.
“Denise Schuler was incredible to work with! She helped me to find an assistive device for a deaf resident that was having trouble communicating with people. Now she doesn't have to struggle because she can use her Dynawrite from Denise.”
-MATR Reuse Client
AT Exchange Online: 2
Total # of devices provided through the
AT Reuse program (refurbish, repair, reassign, and open-ended loans): 552
Total savings to consumers: $944,676
Reuse Partners
Lollipop Kids Foundation
Equipment Connections for Children
Loan Closet of Howard County
STATE FINANCING: Low Interest Loan Program
The Assistive Technology Financial Loan Program (ATLP) helps Maryland residents with disabilities and their families qualify for low-interest loans to buy equipment that will help them live, work, and learn more independently.
“MDTAP staff, especially Ms. Tanya Goodman, has continually exceeded my expectations from my first involvement with them back in November 2013 to the present date.”
-Financial Loan Program Client
Approved loans made: 29
Total Value of loans: $592,051
Leveraged nearly $700,000 in grant funding to establish and implement expanded loan program initiatives, including iDrive Maryland!
In 2022, we launched our newest loan initiative – iDrive Maryland! iDrive Maryland is expanding access to affordable vehicle loans for Marylanders with disabilities, particularly those in rural areas of the state, via low interest rates, flexible lending criteria, and expanded re-payment terms.
- Interest rates currently offered at 3%
- Loan amounts from $500 - $70,000*
- Up to 120-months (10 year) repayment terms for some vehicles*
- Loans for both adapted AND non-adapted vehicles
* some restrictions apply
Client Highlight: Shannon
“The goal to learn to drive and purchase a fully accessible vehicle has been a standing goal for years and one that I needed to take on full force. As I work on getting my driver's license through The Maryland Department of Rehabilitation Services (DORS) I knew I had to figure out how I was going to pay for this amazing vehicle.
So, I decided to look into a resource that I have often referred people with disabilities to, The Assistive Technology Loan through the Maryland Department of Disabilities. The process was simple and easy. It took less than 3 weeks to be approved for my loan and someone was there to advise me as needed. Receiving my driver's license and purchasing a Lady Pearl (Chrysler Pacifica 2021) was the highlight of my year. Thank you so much Maryland Department of Disabilities AT Loan for making my dream of a fully independent life a reality.”
-Shannon Minnick, ATLP Loan Recipient-
STATE FINANCING: AT Cooperative Buying Program
In partnership with
AT Discount Sales & Services, LLC
The Maryland Assistive Technology Program supports the work of AT Discount Sales & Services, LLC. AT Discount Sales coordinates discounted prices on assistive technology through collaboration with a wide variety of AT vendors. Those discounts are then passed on to organizations, agencies, and individuals purchasing AT.
Total entities/people served: 124
Total # of devices provided: 1,134
Total savings to consumers: $25,913
Client Highlight: Discounted AT Purchases
A local family reached out to AT Discount Sales & Services when they decided to explore the
benefit of standing for their young adult daughter to help her bone density and give her a different view on the world. They identified a stander that would meet her needs and then approached the cooperative buying program to see if it could save them any money, as the cost of the stander was nearly $5,000. AT Discount Sales was able to save them $600. After using the stander for a while they realized that they needed further help in adjusting it so that their daughter would stand up straighter. AT Discount Sales staff introduced them to physical therapist and within one visit she was able to make the changes needed and their daughter now enjoys standing on a daily basis.
2022 AT Training Highlights:
- Safe AT Home – AT to Support Independence in the Home
- AT for Play, Fun, and Relaxation
- Back to School with AT – Reading, Writing, and Organizing
- Accessible Graphic Design
- ARIA – The Basics
- Web Content Accessibility
Total number of training participants: 866
You can find many of these recorded on our
MDTAP YouTube Channel!
“Ms. Nora Walker is amazing! I have been calling many agencies trying to get information and she is the first one to give me the information I needed. She gave me a comprehensive list of resources including links and files. She went above and beyond to help and it is greatly appreciated.”
- MDTAP Information & Assistance Recipient -
Total served: 1,038
Our goal is helping consumers through the process –
start to finish!
Launch of AT & Public Health Work
In 2022, MDTAP launched its AT & Public Health initiative, building awareness of AT in the public health response to COVID and other public emergencies. Through increased partnerships and collaboration, MDTAP is working to ensure that AT is an integral consideration when meeting the needs of Marylanders with disabilities.
2022 AT Champions
- In 2022, we launched our partnership with TransCen, Inc. to support the work of two Maryland AT Champions! Through this collaboration, the Maryland AT Champions have been working to build awareness of AT.
AT Champion Project Highlights:
Accessible Gaming Spring Break Event
Accessible Gaming Night
Regional Virtual AT Awareness Days – AT around the state!
- Western Maryland, Southern Maryland, and the Eastern Shore
Financial Resiliency for People with Disabilities, October Webinar Series
- Fourteen sessions with a total of 280 participants
- MD Department of Disabilities, Caregiver Collaborative
- CASH Campaign of Maryland, Financial Resiliency Webinar Series
- Developmental Disabilities Administration Technology First Initiative
Expanded to 9 sites across the state!
Maryland Assistive Technology Program
IMAGE Center
(Baltimore City, Harford, & Baltimore Counties)
Accessible Resources for Independence
(Anne Arundel & Howard Counties)
Howard County Loan Closet - AT Library
(Howard County Only)
Arc Northern Chesapeake Center
By appointment only
(Harford & Cecil Counties)
Southern Maryland Center for Independent Living, Inc.
(Calvert, Charles and St. Mary’s Counties)
Independence Now
(Montgomery & Prince George's Counties)
Resources for Independence, Inc.
(Allegany, Garrett, and Washington Counties)
Freedom Center of Maryland
(Carroll & Frederick Counties)
Assistive Technology Access Sites in Maryland
Search the accessible map to find AT in your neighborhood