AT Resources

Accessible Instructional Materials

The Maryland Library for the Blind and Print Disabled operates the Maryland Accessible Textbooks Program that helps post-secondary students with print disabilities gain access to textbooks in an accessible electronic format. Call the Maryland Library for the Blind and Print Disabled for more information at 410-230-2424.

Accessible Telephones

The Maryland Accessible Telecommunications (MAT) Program provides telecommunications equipment needed to independently make or receive phone calls including a variety of phones, from amplified handsets to Braille TTY's. MAT will provide a phone assessment, and in some instances, purchase the needed equipment for consumers.

Accessible Information Communications Technology

The Maryland Department of Disabilities oversees the Statewide Information Technology Initiative. This program focuses on providing resources to state agencies and constituents to ensure full accessibility of state website.

Aging in Place Specialists

The National Home Builders Association maintains a variety of resources for Aging in Place Specialists and Certified Active Adults in Housing Specialists and those seeking to identify a specialist. They also include a helpful Aging in Place Remodeling Checklist.

AT Certifications

RESNA offers national certification for three specialties. Each certification promotes a standard for recognizing qualifications and validating broad-based knowledge required as the foundation for safe and effective service in the field of assistive technology.

AT Discount Sales & Services, LLC

AT Discount Sales & Services, LLC, a cooperative buying program that sells many new assistive devices at a discounted price. Discounts are available on thousands of products including Aids for Daily Living, Adapted Access Devices, Software, Seating and Positioning Equipment, Therapy Equipment, iDevice Accessories, Augmentative Communication Devices, Learning Tools, Devices for Visual or Auditory challenges, Caregiver Supplies and more.

AT & DME Reuse

The Maryland AT Program runs the HighTech AT Reuse Program, providing access to gently used assistive technology devices for all Maryland residents who cannot otherwise afford the device(s). For access to Durable Medical Equipment, the MD Department of Aging runs the Statewide Durable Medical Equipment Reuse Program, serving Marylanders of all ages and disabilities.

AT Programs Nationwide

Assistive Technology programs in each state.

Emergency Preparedness

The MDOD and MDTAP believe strongly in the value of being prepared for an emergency. MDOD maintains an Emergency Preparedness webpage with a variety of information and important links. 

Legal Rights for AT Users

Maryland maintains a number of laws to protect consumers including. To learn more, connect with the state’s protection & advocacy program to determine which laws protect you.  
Disability Rights Maryland is the consumer protection & advocacy program for citizens.

Medicare Equipment Supplier Directory

Medicare maintains an online Medical Equipment Supplier Directory, an easy-to-use online directory to search for a variety of services in your neighborhood, including identifying vendors of durable medical equipment and medical supplies.

Transitioning Youth Resource Guide

Developed under the guidance of MDOD, the Transitioning Youth Resource Guide is intended to ensure that schools are providing families and youth with the most current information on the steps, timeframes, and expectations during the transition out of high school.

Vehicle Modifications

The National Mobility Equipment Dealers Association is a non-profit trade association of mobility equipment manufacturers, dealers, driver rehabilitation specialists, and other professionals dedicated to improving the lives of people with disabilities and assisting with driving independence using wheelchair accessible vehicles. NMEDA maintains a searchable directory of accessible vehicle dealers. ​ ​

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