The Maryland Department of Disabilities (MDOD) is charged with coordinating and improving the delivery of services to individuals with disabilities in the state of Maryland. By working collaboratively with all State government agencies, MDOD provides advocacy and guidance to ensure that State entities deliver services in the most integrated settings possible, develop consistent policies affecting those with disabilities, and consider the diverse needs of all when making decisions which impact Marylanders. MDOD focuses on independence and full community membership through its programs which address accessible housing, employment, transitioning youth, community living, technology assistance, barrier free living, and transportation. This focus is one which consistently has an eye to economic growth through strengthening of a diverse workforce and provision of the efficient and effective supports necessary for full participation in our state’s economy.
Ensuring we leave no Marylander behind by promoting equality of opportunity, access, and choice for Marylanders with disabilities.
The Department of Disabilities is committed to the promise of a Maryland in which all people with disabilities have the knowledge and influence to make a difference in their lives and the lives of others.
MDOD Programs
MDOD provides a number of services to include a constituent program which assists Marylanders to navigate the breadth of offerings by the State. Each of our programs is intended to meet the needs of individuals with disabilities and provide customer service assistance to those requiring further information or advocacy.
MDOD programs include:
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