

​Section 811 Program

What is Section 811 Project Rent​al Assistance?

The Section 811 Project Rental Assistance Program makes a home in the community affordable for people with disabilities with low income. This is a "project-based" rental assistance program. You will have rent payment assistance while you live in participating units.

  • Links affordable housing with your services and supports
  • Provides you the independence of living on your own
  • You sign the lease and have access to the supports you choose

With Section 811 Project Rental Assistance the tenant pays 30% of their income for rent and utilities, and the program pays the rest of the rent directly to the landlord.​​

Who is Eligible?

People with disabilities who are:

  • Age 18 to under age 62 at the time of leasing
  • Medicaid recipients
  • Very low income

How to Apply

Contact your case manager, support planner, resource coordinator, coordinator of community service or community health worker to complete the pre-screening and application for you.

Contact Us

Maryland Department of Disabilities

Rental Housing Program Documents


As a participant you are provided with the resources to make your transition and tenancy successful.  These may include:

  • Personalized tenant training
  • A transition plan that YOU create and control
  • Assistance in the application process
  • Money management assistance
  • Access to voluntary support services


Your Case Manager, along with Department of Health and Mental Hygiene staff, are available to assist you with any issues that may arise during your tenancy.
  • Ongoing communication to support successful tenancy
  • Support from housing specialists


Section 811 units may be equipped with accessibility features including:

  • Walks and sidewalks on accessible route
  • Widened doorways
  • Accessible entryways
  • Elevator access

Service Animals and live-in aides are permitted if authorized by your physician

Rental is calculated based on your income. You pay 30% of your income for rent and utilities combined. The remaining rent is paid directly to the landlord by the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development. 
  • Your rent does not change unless your income changes
  • The initial lease term is 1 year