
Taxi Services​

Taxi services are available throughout the state and can be found in the telephone book or yellow pages.  See additional information​ and contacts via your local advocacy organization or service provider.

Anne Arundel County Taxi Voucher Service​

Could you use a discounted taxi ride?  The Taxi Voucher Service offers discount taxi coupons for persons 55 and older, or adults 18 and older with a disability; income guidelines.  Most County taxicab companies accept coupons in place of cash. Click here for more information on the Taxi Voucher Service.

MTA Taxi Access

MTA Taxi Access is available to certified MTA Mobility customers who meet the eligibility requirements.  Taxi Access Services is not part of MTA Mobility's Service, but rath​​er a separate and distinct MTA service provided under contract by participating area taxicab and sedan companies.

Taxi Taxi

Taxi Taxi is a service that includes the following cab companies: Bluebird, Checker, Paramont, Silver, and Yellow Cab. Contact 301-864-7700 or 301-277-6000. Services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in select locations.