Emergency Preparedness



Shelter Accessibility Standards for People with Disabilties

I. Access to Building and Reception Area

  • Accessible curb cuts or curb ramps
  • Automatic doors or handles with appropriate pull bars/panic bars or levers
  • Level landings (minimum 60” long)
  • Thresholds of doors no greater than ¾ of an inch
  • Accessible parking with van accessible parking spaces

II. Access within Shelter

  • Routes between shelter areas are free of objects up to 80 inches from the ground
  • Hallways are accessible with ramps/lifts
  • Raised letters or Braille available on directional signs including but not limited to floor identifiers, call buttons, elevators, etc.
  • Policies and procedures include alternative methods of communication for people with disabilities
  • Backup source of electrical power for facility refrigerators, coolers, etc.

III. Access to Multiple Levels of Shelter

  • Elevator provided to each level on which sheltering services or activity area is located
  • Call button on elevator less than or equal to 42 inches
  • Elevators have audible tones/bells/announcements to identify each floor or an emergency alarm
  • If elevator is not present in facility and multiple levels are used for shelter, wheelchair lift is provided


IV. Accessible and Accommodating Restrooms

  • Sign with raised letters or Braille identifying restroom
  • Doorway into restroom provides 32 inch clear passage width
  • Stall with out-swinging door (inside stall greater or equal to 60 inches wide and 56 inches deep
  • Grab bars in stall 33-36 inches wide
  • Top of toilet seat 17-19 inches from floor
  • Sinks less than or equal to 34 inches from floor
  • Towel dispenser less than or equal to 39 inches from floor
  • 60 inch minimum turn space outside of bathroom stall


V. Accessible and Accommodating Showers

  • Shower stall (minimum 36 inches by 36 inches)
  • Shower seat 17-19 inches from floor
  • Grab bars 33-36 inches from floor
  • Hand-held spray unit with hose at least 60 inches long


VI. Accessible and Accommodating Cafeterias

  • Tables 28-34 inches from floor
  • Accessible spaces at tables with fixed seating
  • Serving line [counter] 28-34 inches from floor
  • Aisles (minimum 38 inches wide, free of objects up to 80 inches from floor)
  • Drinking fountains less than or equal to 27 inches from floor


VII. Accessible Telephones

  • Maximum 48 inches from floor
  • TTY or TDD phone(s) available
  • Earpiece or volume controls on phones
  • Signs directing people to nearest TTY accessible phone(s)


VIII. Accessible Sleeping Area

  • Accessible routes greater than or equal to 36 inches wide that connect sleeping area with other shelter activity areas
  • 100 square feet of space per individual with wheelchair and/or service animal
  • Accessible cots (preferably same height off floor as wheelchair)
  • Cots available for positioning next to walls to support people with disabilities while sitting up
  • Cots able to be positioned in easily identifiable areas for blind individuals or those with visual impairments (example: 1st in a row)
  • Cots available in areas with varied lighting
  • “Stress-free” areas for people whose disability is affected by noise and confusion​