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Maryland Commission on Disabilities
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Maryland ABLE
IT Accessibility Initiative
Emergency Preparedness
Shelter Accessibility Standards for People with Disabilties
I. Access to Building and Reception Area
ccessible curb cuts or curb ramps
Automatic doors or handles with appropriate pull bars/panic bars or levers
Level landings (minimum 60” long)
Thresholds of doors no greater than ¾ of an inch
Accessible parking with van accessible parking spaces
II. Access within Shelter
Routes between shelter areas are free of objects up to 80 inches from the ground
Hallways are accessible with ramps/lifts
Raised letters or Braille available on directional
signs including but not limited to floor identifiers, call buttons, elevators, etc.
Policies and procedures in
clude alternative methods of communication for people with disabilities
Backup source of electrical power for facility refrigerators, coolers, etc.
III. Access to Multiple Levels of Shelter
Elevator provided to each level on which sheltering services or activity area is located
Call button on elevator less than or equal to 42 inches
Elevators have audible tones/bells/announcements to identify each fl
oor or an emergency alarm
If elevator is not present in facility and multiple levels are used for shelter, wheelchair lift is provided
IV. Accessible and Accommodating Restrooms
Sign with raised letters or Braille identifying restroom
Doorway into restroom provides 32 inch clear passage width
Stall with out-swinging door (inside stall greater or equal to 60 inches wide and 56 inches deep
Grab bars in stall 33-36 inches wide
Top of toilet seat 17-19 inches from floor
Sinks less than or equal to 34 inches from floor
Towel dispenser less than or equal to 39 inches from floor
60 inch minimum turn space outside of bathroom stall
V. Accessible and Accommodating Showers
Shower stall (minimum 36 inches by 36 inches)
Shower seat 17-19 inches from floor
Grab bars 33-36 inches from floor
Hand-held spray unit with hose at least 60 inches long
VI. Accessible and Accommodating Cafeterias
Tables 28-34 inches from floor
Accessible spaces at tables with fixed seating
Serving line [counter] 28-34 inches from floor
Aisles (minimum 38 inches wide, free of objects up to 80 inches from floor)
Drinking fountains less than or equal to 27 inches from floor
VII. Accessible Telephones
Maximum 48 inches from floor
TTY or TDD phone(s) available
Earpiece or volume controls on phones
Signs directing people to nearest TTY accessible phone(s)
VIII. Accessible Sleeping Area
Accessible routes greater than or equal to 36 inches wide that connect sleeping area with other shelter activity areas
100 square feet of space per individual with wheelchair and/or service animal
Accessible cots (preferably same height off floor as
Cots available for positioning next to walls to support people with disabilities while sitting up
Cots able to be positioned in easily identifiable areas for blind individuals or those with visual impairments (example: 1st in a row)
Cots available in areas with varied lighting
“Stress-free” areas for people whose disability is affected by noise and confusion